Quick Find [next gen text search]

2021年4月4日—AnewtextsearchtoolforyourChromewebpage.Startasearchandsimplypressenter/returnonahighlightedlinkandyou'llinstantly ...,AmashupofFirefoxquickfindfeatures(casematch,linksonlysearch,highlightall,searchselectedtext)aswellasawesomenewones(...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Quick Find for Google Chrome™

2021年4月4日 — A new text search tool for your Chrome web page. Start a search and simply press enter/return on a highlighted link and you'll instantly ...


A mashup of Firefox quick find features (case match, links only search, highlight all, search selected text) as well as awesome new ones (scroll/navigate ...

Quick Find New Tab for Google Chrome

2023年7月17日 — This handy tool replaces your new tab page with a search interface that allows you to quickly find links from your top sites, recent pages, open ...

Does Chrome have a quick find shortcut similar to ' in ...

2011年1月13日 — Chrome only has ctrl-f which focuses on links as well, but you have to ESC out and then hit Enter , which is not as immediate as the Firefox ...

Does Google Chrome have Quick Find within link

2023年12月7日 — Several Chrome extensions offer advanced search functionalities, including searching within specific elements like links.

Chrome keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + PgUp or Ctrl + Shift + PgDn. Google Chrome feature shortcuts ... When Find Bar is open, search for selected text ... Use Chrome Actions to quickly ...

How to Use the Find Tool in Google Chrome

The Find Tool in Google Chrome allows you to search for specific text within a page. It is great for locating what you need quickly.

Search Web Pages Easier in Chrome with Quick Find

2014年9月9日 — Quick Find is a Google Chrome extension which provides a more powerful way to search for specific words and phrases on a web page.


2021年4月4日—AnewtextsearchtoolforyourChromewebpage.Startasearchandsimplypressenter/returnonahighlightedlinkandyou'llinstantly ...,AmashupofFirefoxquickfindfeatures(casematch,linksonlysearch,highlightall,searchselectedtext)aswellasawesomenewones(scroll/navigate ...,2023年7月17日—Thishandytoolreplacesyournewtabpagewithasearchinterfacethatallowsyoutoquicklyfindlinksfromyourtopsites,recentpages,o...